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NEW WONDERS DISCOVERY CENTER is within Village Place. Enter the main entrance to Village Place off of Stadium Drive and take the first drive on the left and proceed to the farthest (west)  building. NWDC is within the 3 westerly suites of that building. Our entrance is at the 2nd suite from the west end of the building next to the restaurant. 


The following spaces are available at this time: 

* Full time spaces in Preschool:

Ages 3-5  (Must be potty trained)

*Full time spaces in Infants: Ages 0-1 

*Full time space in Toddlers: Ages 1-2.5

*Part time space in Toddlers

(Monday, Wednesday, and Friday)

We can not accept 'walk-in' enrollment requests or tours. 

All staff, including the directors,  are involved with the children's daily activities and cannot always respond to unscheduled visits or phone call requests during hours of operation.


Please email for information or to request an appointment to tour. 



We are now accepting applications for Full and Part time employees.  Please see qualifications in the "Our Team" tab. 


Monday- Friday

7:00 am to 5:30 pm



7000 Stadium Drive

Suite 203

Kalamazoo, MI 49009


Located in Village Place at the intersection of 8th and Stadium



(269) 366-4680

E-mail is the preferred method of contact for information.



See "Contact Us" tab

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© New Wonders Discover Center