What method is best to contact NWDC?
E-mail is the best. See the "contact us" section of this website for that information. Our children are always our first priority so answering an incoming phone call is not always possible. You may leave a voice message but we encourage callers to use e-mail as it is the best method of receiving a timely respoinse. Some responses may be after normal work hours.
Can you provide a Program Description?
There is a tendancy to equate childcare providers as 'day care', 'baby sitting' or 'nanny services', NWDC is none of those, NWDC is a Learning Center. Therefore we operate with a structured developmental and educational purpose within the rules of Michigan Licensing and Regulatory Affairs guidelines.
Currently our entire Center is moving toward play and nature based in all of our curriculum. This direction has already been incorporated into our PreK and Preschool 3’s and we are working toward that goal in our Infant and Toddler classrooms. We write our own curriculum and utilize supplies that are natural in nature instead of “plastics”!
We spend a great deal of time outdoors when possible. The Preschool – PreK rooms are designed in such a way that all of the areas of development are addressed and built on so that children are ready to enter Kindergarten or the next level of their educational experience. Loose parts, sensory materials, hands on literacy, math, and science centers are set up and changed weekly for exploration (guided by the teachers). Infant and Toddler teachers provide a loving homelike environment where our little ones can gain trust and work on their whole body development.
Can you tell me about your teaching staff?
Our teachers hold degrees in ECE or Social Work or hold a CDA credential. We have several college students who are assistants that are enrolled in coursework relating to early childhood, psychology, etc. All our staff participates in continuing education courses and seminars on a yearly basis.
What are your classroom ratios?
NWDC adheres to the ratios outlined by LARA (Licensing and Regulatory Affairs) which vary by age group.
Do you have a wait list I can be added to?
Yes. There is no deposit required to be placed on the waiting list. To retain a spot for your child when an opening becomes available a nonrefundable "holding" deposit is required. That deposit is for holding that spot only and is not applicable to any future fee or tuition.
What are your tuition rates?
We do not publish our rates on the web site but would be glad to provide information via e-mail response.
How do I set up a tour?
Tours must be scheduled in advance. We are unable to accomodate walk-ins due to staffing ratio requirements, classroom activities and the safety of the children. Therefore we require that tours be prearranged. The best times are after 5 PM.
Do you accept rotating schedules?
We do not.
Do you accept 'part-time' enrollment?
We do. Part time has limited spaces and is based on availablility with 2 schedule options: M-W-F or T-TH.
Do you provide lunches?
We do not. We do provide morning and afternoon snacks. Parents are required to pack lunches for their children. In the colder months we will heat lunch components. In the warmer months, as weather permits, we take lunches in the playground in a picnic-like setting and warm-ups are not available.
Does NWDC have a multiple child discount?
Yes, for full-time (year around) students only.
The following spaces are available at this time:
* Full time spaces in Preschool:
Ages 3-5 (Must be potty trained)
*Full time spaces in Infants: Ages 0-1
*Full time space in Toddlers: Ages 1-2.5
*Part time space in Toddlers
(Monday, Wednesday, and Friday)
Please email for information or to request an appointment to tour.
We are now accepting applications for Full and Part time employees. Please see qualifications in the "Our Team" tab.
Monday- Friday
7:00 am to 5:30 pm
7000 Stadium Drive
Suite 203
Kalamazoo, MI 49009
Located in Village Place at the intersection of 8th and Stadium
(269) 366-4680
E-mail is the preferred method of contact for information.
See "Contact Us" tab