15 Months- 2.5 Years
In the Sapling (Toddler age) classroom, we strive to create a comfortable and consistent environment for each child as they enter this big stage of develoment. Your child will grow leaps and bounds both physically and emotionally over this year and we want to be here to support them (and you!) the best we can.
In this room, they will take one designated nap each day and eat together family style, also at designated times. They are introduced to a developmentally appropriate "circle time" and wil learn all the fundamental skills they will need to successfully enter a preschool environment. Learning social skills are the largest part of our program. The teachers will lovingly guide and model for the children how to play together, share, and cooperate as a group.
The Sapling classroom will also have plenty of exposure to nature both inside and out. They will participate in our school garden as well as many other activities.